It has been said for a long time that the young generation has not been interested in politics. But the big demonstrations concerning Fridays for Future and #SaveYourInternet showed that young people want to get engaged and that they want to be heard. Therefore, we want to ensure that this generation is heard, especially on the municipal level.
Youth Participation in the Town Hall!
We want to create a commissioner for children and youth which reports directly to the mayor. This person must ensure the participation of the young generations by bringing all the organisations responsible for youth participation together to a Round Table.
Youth Participation in the City Council!
Youth under 16 years don’t have the right to vote in the municipal elections. Nevertheless, their needs are also relevant! Therefore, we demand that there is a similar process as a citizens’ initiative for the young generation where they can collect signatures and are then allowed to bring their issues into the City Council.
More Social Work for the Youth Social!
Work is an important institution at our schools. Therefore, we want to further strengthen it and create new jobs!
Make the “8er-Rat” more successful!
The concept of the 8er-Rat is already quite successful since it brings together students from multiple schools and backgrounds. We want to extend this to even more schools to make its work more inclusive and successful.
Gemeinschaftsschule at the Tuniberg!
We want that the new school built at Tuniberg will be a Gemeinschaftsschule because such a school allows for more social inclusion and more self-reliant and independent learning. Thereby, students can participate better in society.